Arguments against shooting rooms

Main points:


Shooting rooms maintain mind altering drug use rather than eliminate the problem through rehabilitation to a life free drugs.


Drugs are illegal because they are dangerous in that they alter the human mind, cause health problems, shorten life and cause death.


Addicts will purchase drugs from dealers therefore providing greater profits.


Addicts will still use crime to get the money to buy drugs from dealers.


Drug related crime will only be eliminated by getting addict’s drug free.


Drug overdoses will increase as drug availability increases usage and deaths from overdoses will also increase because of these increased overdoses.


Drug free people do not die from overdoses so why not get addict’s drug free?


Drug free people do not need medical and hospital services because they have no addiction.


Addicts say they will not use shooting rooms unless they are no constraints for theim.


Addicts are not rational so have little control over their decisions.


Who will be banned from injecting rooms (children, first time users, violent addicts, mothers with kids, drunks, suicidal addicts, etc)?


Will shooting rooms providers assist addicts to inject mind-altering drugs when the addict cannot locate veins or cannot inject themselves, etc?


Will drug sharing (pushing) be allowed and how many times a day will an addict be allowed to use the shooting rooms?


The police will turn a blind eye to "local" dealers.


How many taxes will be used to compensate addicts families for overdose deaths?


Will families of dead addicts be able to sue shooting rooms providers and staff for negligence?


Families of drug addicts died can they prosecute elected officials and staff of the shooting room for negligence?


What drug cocktails will be allowed for the 90% of drug addicts who use more than one drug?


The number of addicts will expand because of the Hollande government "safe" message on shooting rooms encouraging more addiction, crime, overdoses and drug sales.


Shooting rooms have been strongly criticised by respected overseas experts because they increase the use of mind-altering drugs.


Respected international drug agencies have criticised shooting rooms as they breach Australia's treaty obligations and undermine the international fight against mind-altering drugs.


Shooting rooms will make our cities less attractive for tourists, business and the local community.


Mind-altering drugs are never safe.





We must copy other countries like Sweden that have more success against mind altering drugs.


Must stress detoxification then full rehabilitation.


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    What is the message ?
Selling drugs is prohibited. Buy drugs is prohibited. Injecting drugs is prohibited. But we will help you do it?
Say NO to shooting rooms.
  How they tried to manipulate you.  
      Read more >  
    Arguments against shooting rooms.

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    Expert opinion.

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    The French do not want to shooting rooms.

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Parents Contre la Drogue (C) - Serge LEBIGOT