How they tried to manipulate you

1. A lobby constituted by associations demanding the legalization of the cannabis, the decriminalization to see the legalization of all the drugs asks for the opening of shooting rooms in France.


2. The press largely composed of journalists neo-sixty-eighters make only articles in favour of injecting rooms, no interview people living next injection rooms, no interview associations opposed to injecting rooms, no reviews injecting rooms. Worse, why go always see the same injection room, what is to have dozens of interviews with leaders in this room in this case K9 in Geneva.

Good example of manipulation of public opinion.


3. An elected Member of Parliament Mr. Paris Jean-Marie Le Guen who supports this lobby organizes various seminars for injection rooms, a tour operator to K9 in Geneva, a report which concluded, was known in advance. All this with public funds, that is to say with taxpayer money.

If Mr. Le Guen was so on the benefit of injecting rooms, why not at least have organized a symposium with people opposed to injecting rooms.


4. The candidate for the presidency who forgot to tell you during the campaign that he was in favor of injecting rooms and did not say:


I President, I would encourage drug use by opening injection rooms.


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    What is the message ?
Selling drugs is prohibited. Buy drugs is prohibited. Injecting drugs is prohibited. But we will help you do it?
Say NO to shooting rooms.
  How they tried to manipulate you.  
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    Arguments against shooting rooms.

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    Expert opinion.

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    The French do not want to shooting rooms.

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Parents Contre la Drogue (C) - Serge LEBIGOT